There is nothing more liberating than having joyous sex with your partner. The emotional flight reaches the happiness terminus and continues to stretch upon every visit. Expectations vs. Reality: Which side are you on? Your sexual wellness depends on it.

Sexual wellness is a must for a prosperous life.

What mocks a sacred union of two bodies is the nature of myths. The new social craze of superficial expectations ruins men’s mental health. The worst is to keep doubting your size and stamina.

Sex is As Cool as P@rn

Expectations: Individuals fantasize about how p@rn stars look. They set similar expectations.

Where Things Go Wrong: Couples visualizing themselves as p@rn stars or having those unworkable positions makes things awkward.

The Versus Game: They don’t know where reality ends. And fantasy begins. It shows how vulnerable they feel when they should be enjoying things.

Reality: P@rn is a source of entertainment. P@rn serves the cause of education. Couples know their limitations. They wouldn’t charter into unfamiliar territories. They enjoy the experience. Couples don’t think or work on making things look great.

The Fix: Ask yourself- What do I want? Watching and enjoying things on the screen is fine. It’s a role we play. One should also know what to enjoy and which part not to take to personal life.

Having wrong expectations ruins the experience, even if it was one of your best experiences. One would always keep lingering in a state of self-doubt, low-morale.

The sexual lives of everyday people are different. It involves them as emotional beings. P@rn actors are doing it as a part of their work lives. A couple doesn’t do it to make a point.

Speak Your Sexual Language, Speak Your Heart Out

Expectations: We should have enjoyable sex. A partner should know how to appease the senses. I expect my partner to arouse me in new ways every time.

Where Things Go Wrong: Never treat your partner where you expect them to know without telling them anything in detail. What a tragedy? What kind of expectation is it?

The Versus Game: You expect to communicate through verbal thoughts, gestures, and sensual touches of the hand. The fight continues between verbal communication and unique language.

Reality: Each couple builds a unique sexual language in time. They work on creating an atmosphere where roles flourish.

Fix: Communication is essential, outside of the bed and in bed. Talk and touch your partner in ways to break the verbal barriers.

Verbal expressions set them rolling. The sensual touch embarks both into the world of pleasure.

sexual wellness
Sexual Wellness

Give in, And Skip Foreplay

Expectations: The excitement to have sex, be it the first time or any number, skips the foreplay part.

Where Things Go Wrong: Are there any rules to have foreplay before having sex? The answer lies in what kind of definition you hold about foreplay.

The Versus Game: We know one another. We both have a mutual understanding. I understand foreplay is important. I always have the option to skip it. Don’t we? What’s the fuss?

Reality: The reality is that foreplay does a lot of favor to both individuals. It enhances the pleasure level and eases off the pressure. The anxiety does overtake us at one point during sex.

Fix: Foreplay keeps us focused. It keeps the two individuals building trust as they shed doubts and drop clothes.

Painless Sex: Is It A Physical Norm

Expectations: Pain is either a part of the process. Or some form of pain is a given.

Where Things Go Wrong: The nervousness levels cause the pain. The reason is the missing sense of comfort.

The Versus Game: Foreplay is good, but the joy would be complete. We can always do it the next time. Scores leveled.

Reality: The next worrying sign is stress. The state of mild pain and painful experience underlines your partner’s mental condition. It becomes your responsibility to look after her comfort.

Fix: Sexual wellness drives focus on reality and what makes you feel good about sex. The notion of having sex as you watch people perform over the screen shouldn’t cause divisions in your mind. Never exchange roles thinking you could replace reality with fantasy.

Play roles in foreplay, not outside of it.

By Doctor

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