Benefits of Kegel Exercises for Men's Sexual Wellness

We often discuss male sexual disorders like low sex drive, performance anxiety, or size issues. However, we usually tend to neglect the role of exercise in male sexual wellness.

Kegel exercise is a lesser-known method that can have immense power to uplift men’s pelvic muscles. It has several benefits for male sexual health, which will be discussed right below. 

Kegel Exercise – What should you know?

Kegel exercise is named after Dr Arnold Kegel, who propagated the mechanism almost 80 years back. The exercises were meant to work specifically on the pelvis musculature. Strengthening the pelvic muscles was shown to benefit bladder and sexual functions. The exercise was relatively easy to manoeuvre and became increasingly popular.

How to perform Kegel’s Exercise?

It might take some time to get the hang of it, but understanding the step-by-step guide will make it easier. Here is how to do it -Before learning to perform the exercise, you need to know the exact location of the muscles you will work on. You can do so by trying to stop urinating in between midstream. The muscles you used to do so are the ones we will strengthen with this exercise.To begin the exercise, get yourself in a comfortable position. You may choose to sit, stand, or lie down to perform the specific exercise. 

Now at a suitable time, try to contract these muscles as if you are trying to stop urinating or holding a fart. While you do so, try not to tighten your stomach, hips, or thighs. Also, try to keep breathing normally while you do the exercise.Hold the muscles in the same fashion for 3-5 seconds, or as much as you can. You may not be able to do it for a prolonged duration initially, and there is nothing to worry about. It will get better with regular practice. 

After you tighten the muscles, slowly release them and relax. It would help if you tried to relax for the same duration as you hold the muscles. Try to maintain the same timing of contraction and relaxation. Maintain your focus and try to completely contract and relax the muscles while you are at it.

Try to do the three sets of 10-15 reps at a time. Try to take a short break between every set to prevent fatigue. It is of utmost importance to be regular with the exercise and maintain consistency. It would help if you tried to do the exercise initially only when you have nothing on your mind and can focus completely on the exercise.

When you master the exercise, you can start doing it anytime in the day. Put an alarm to do the exercise while watching TV or reading, talking etc. With time, you will start noticing the progress and feel you have better control and strength in your pelvis.Talk to a healthcare expert if you notice any discomfort or pain. Try not to overexert yourself and see the warnings to get timely help. You can also consult a healthcare expert who can guide you and prescribe a combination of exercises that can show even better results.

Role of kegel exercise in male sexual health

Kegel exercise is one of the most effective regimes that can present remarkable results when it comes to male sexual wellness.

The exercise can help you overcome multiple issues related to pelvic musculature like erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory control, and bladder control. Here is how it can help –

Erectile dysfunction:

It is a sexual disorder where a man cannot get or sustain the erection required for sexual intercourse. The pelvic floor plays a huge role in maintaining erections and also is responsible for maintaining the blood supply to the penis. Doing this specific exercise works like magic for these muscles and can show positive results in men suffering from ED.

Ejaculation issues:

Ejaculation control mainly lies in pelvic muscles in men. These muscles may be faulty and can cause a loss of control over ejaculation in men. Doing this exercise consistently may help strengthen the muscles, which can help in the future in gaining control over premature ejaculation in men. 


Kegels can work wonders for sexual stamina in men. The particular exercise increases stamina by diminishing fatigue. Having more stamina helps men last longer and attain more content sex lives.


Kegels can also work in favour of climax in men. Stronger muscles mean more intense orgasms and are the ultimate pleasure for men. The orgasms tend to be more intense and powerful, which elevates the entire experience for men.

Prostate health:

Kegel may also benefit prostate health. The prostate gland is part of the reproductive system in men and is located near the pelvic muscles. Exercising regularly can improve blood supply to the organ and help maintain good health.

Bladder Control:

The exercise can also improve bladder control in men. It can prevent issues like urinary continence by being consistent. Gaining control over urination can significantly improve quality of life.

Bottom Line

Kegel exercise can provide several benefits to male sexual health along with other advantages. Being consistent can make all the difference, as you would not get results in a day or a week. 

The exercise can help you achieve better erection, ejaculation control, intense orgasms, and also put a halt to urinary incontinence. 

If a sexual disorder is affecting you or your relationship, you should talk to a sexologist. A sexologist can get to the bottom and help you with a targeted approach.

By Doctor

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