Ageing and Male Sexual Health

Ageing is the hard reality of human life. Everyone will grow old, and that is an inevitable cycle of life. With that discussion, addressing the challenges one faces when they age is crucial. Both men and women exhibit changes as they grow old. A major chunk of these changes affect a couple’s sexual well-being. 

In this blog, we will talk about how ageing affects male sexual health and understand ways to make the journey easier.

Ageing – What should you know?

Ageing brings several changes that one can see in daily life. Multiple physiological changes pose challenges to living life to the fullest. The degree of change varies, mostly based on one’s current health status.

All these changes can showcase an impact on sexual health. Sexual health disorders also become more common in men with age. The most common sexual disorders caused by ageing are –

Hormonal imbalance –

Depleting testosterone levels are a common sight in older men. The condition characterized by low testosterone levels in males is also known as andropause. Studies claim that testosterone levels begin to dip as soon as in the late 30s and 40s. The hormone level is further seen to deplete by 1 % every year.

This hormonal imbalance can also contribute to poor sexual health by causing erectile dysfunction and affecting the sex drive in men. It can also cause mood swings, making you come across as a high-maintenance person and less likeable.

 Low testosterone also affects energy levels and makes one feel tired almost all the time. It also increases fat deposition in the body, specifically around the abdomen. It may impact self-image and cause low confidence in men.

One may witness some relief with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), which involves artificially supplementing the deficient hormone in the male body.

You should consult a healthcare expert who will look into hormonal balance in the body. If suitable, your doctor can suggest artificial supplements for you. 

Remember, it is not suitable for everyone and should not be used for self-medication. The dosage needs to be regulated and altered, which can only be done under expert supervision. 

Erectile dysfunction – 

Ageing has forever been linked to ED, and there is some truth in the notion. It happens due to various reasons, and hormonal imbalance is surely one of the reasons. 

Moreover, old age may also increase cardiovascular issues that impact blood supply. Poor blood circulation, specifically to reproductive organs, may cause weaker erections. Neural damage that may come with old age can also cause erectile difficulties and affect sexual health in men. 

Another common reason could be the intake of multiple medicines for health concerns. A few medications, like the ones for blood pressure, depression, or other infections, can cause erectile issues in men.

It is important to consult a sexologist if you have erectile dysfunction, irrespective of how old you are. ED is mostly a treatable condition, even in older years. If ED is causing dissatisfaction to you or your partner, kindly consult a sexologist to find a treatment strategy that will work for you.

There are multiple options available for ED including pills, injections, and penile pumps. Your doctor may recommend a few lifestyle changes that can help the condition. 

Getting the required medical intervention from an expert who can work on finding the root cause and formulate a suitable treatment plan is crucial. A sexologist will give you a customized treatment plan that will work for your specific situation.

Low sex drive 

It is often seen that the sex drive remarkably decreases with age, although it may not be the same for everyone.

The common reasons for loss of libido can be a hormonal discrepancy, specifically testosterone in older men. Moreover, various health conditions, like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, chronic pain, etc, can change priorities and leave no room for sexual intimacy. Aged men may also witness a change in body image and confidence and may get performance anxiety. These psychological factors can also impact the sexual health of men. 

It is also possible to have conflicts or changes in dynamics within a couple that may affect sexual intimacy in older couples.

Bone health –

Bone health takes a dip as bones lose their density. Osteoporosis becomes more common as men age, making it a hurdle in sexual intimacy. Arthritis is also a common sight in older men that affects various joints and makes sexual intercourse a secondary priority.

Poor bone health may affect mobility and flexibility in aged men and women. Poor mobility can again cause issues with sexual intimacy and may need medical supervision. 

Overall, pain in bones due to any reason will affect the sexual relationship and slowly drift partners apart. Most older couples accept it to be their fate and live a sexless marriage. However, it is important to understand that you can live a happy relationship if you want to take extra care of your bone health. 

Monitor your calcium and vitamin D levels to avoid bone pain. Talk to your healthcare provider to get proper treatment for your health concerns.


Diabetes is a common health condition seen in older people. High blood sugar levels can impact the blood circulation and neural functioning. Persistent high blood sugar levels can cause erectile dysfunction due to poor blood supply and delayed neural signals. 

Diabetes impacts overall well-being and may resultantly cause low sex drive. It could also cause delayed ejaculation in some men as a complication due to nerve damage. Reduced sensations can also be seen as a result of neuropathy, which is a diabetes-related condition.

It is vital to check blood sugar levels often and take additional help with diet, exercise, and medications to maintain blood sugar levels. Additionally, consult a sexologist for sexual issues, which can find the hidden cause and suggest the right path to lead a healthy sex life.

Heart Diseases – 

Heart disease is a common health problem in older men. Heart disease and sexual health disorders often overlap and may influence one another. Issues with blood circulation may impact the strength of erection and could play a major role in erectile dysfunction. 

Additionally, stress and anxiety related to heart issues can affect the sex drive in men. Heart disorders can also cause physical limitations due to shortness of breath, chest pain, or fatigue. These factors can further impact the quality of erection and make sexual intimacy difficult to achieve.

Medical treatment of heart disorders can also negatively impact sexual functioning. One needs to be on the roll for both medical and sexual treatment. Your sexual health expert can find the link between heart disease and sexual health, which can help in creating a suitable treatment plan.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) – 

BPH is a common health condition in aged men that can impact sexual health. Also known as prostate enlargement, it is a non-cancerous growth of the prostate gland that can affect urinary function. 

The enlargement can increase the frequency of urination and may also lead to feelings of urgency to urinate. At the same time, it can also cause incomplete bladder emptying and, hence, a regular urge to pee. 

Having these symptoms can hinder men from initiating sexual activity and, therefore, cause dissatisfaction. The medication used to treat the condition may also aggravate the situation and increase the intensity of sexual side effects. The condition in itself can also increase the risk of erectile dysfunction due to shared risk factors. 

If you have urinary symptoms, it is crucial to speak to a health expert who can help diagnose BPH in a timely manner. The condition can be controlled with medication and surgical intervention if necessary. 

Urinary Incontinence 

Urinary incontinence is yet another chief complaint of aged men. It is the loss of control over passing the urine and may cause accidental leakage of urine. It could be related to various age factors like prostate enlargement or other medical conditions. 

Loss of control can impact sexual health by causing embarrassment in men, who then start avoiding sexual intimacy on the whole. It can also lead to pain and discomfort, which may affect the quality of sexual intercourse.

It can be managed by practising specific exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. Kegel exercise benefits men with urinary incontinence, as it strengthens the muscles with regular practice. In addition, seek medical treatment that may help you maintain better health. 

The ageing process can help you understand the related conditions and ways to manage the situation. The most crucial remedy lies in adopting a healthy lifestyle. It includes eating a balanced diet, doing some physical activity, avoiding excessive alcohol, and quitting smoking. 

If you are obese, focus on maintaining weight and shedding extra kilos. Get your regular checkups done by your doctor, and check your vitals, including blood pressure, sugar levels, and calcium. 

If you face any sexual issues, consult a sexologist to help them do a thorough evaluation and find the exact cause. They can address the causative agents and help you lead a healthier sex life irrespective of your age,

Bottom Line

Ageing is related to male sexual health problems. Increasing age can bring in various changes like decreased performance, low libido, erectile dysfunction, and poor ejaculatory control.

Sexual health issues can stem from poor blood supply, neural damage, or hormonal imbalance. These factors can be affected by various health conditions that may cause bodily changes.

Consult your healthcare provider to understand the boundaries between normal and abnormal. Also, get treatment for health conditions, which in itself can improve sexual functioning. 

You should know that you can lead a healthy sex life irrespective of your age. Please consult your doctor to learn more about it.

By Doctor

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